✔ You buy salsa by the gallon.
=> pas acheté mais vu dans les magasins
✔ All of your out-of-state friends start to visit after October but clear out come the end of April.
✔ You think someone driving while wearing oven mitts is clever.
=> plusieurs je m'étais mal garée et j'ai regretté ne pas en avoir dans ma voiture !!
✔ Most of the restaurants in your town have the first name "El" or "Los."
✔ You think six tons of crushed rock makes a beautiful yard.
=> sérieusement, ce n'est pas si laid ... et c'est bien mieux pour le porte-monnaie !
✔ You notice your car overheating before you drive it.
✔ Your house is made of stucco and has a red clay tile roof.
✔ You can say Hohokam (HO-ho-ko'm) and people don't think you're laughing funny.
=> ha ha ha
✔ You no longer associate bridges or rivers with water.
=> tellement vrai !!
✔ You see more irrigation water on the street than there is in the Salt River.
=> so true !!
✔ You know a swamp cooler is not a happy hour drink.
✔ You can say 120 degrees without fainting.
=> but it's a dry heat !!
✔ Every other vehicle is a 4x4.
=> et mon 4x4 qui m'a l'air déjà tellement énorme paraît tout petit à côté d'autres mastodontes de la route
✔ You can be in the snow, and then drive for an hour and it will be more than 100 degrees.
=> incroyable mais vrai
✘ Vehicles with open windows have the right-of-way in the summer.
=> faut pas exagérer, le premier arrivé au stop passe en premier !
✘ You have to go to a fake beach for some fake waves.
=> pas encore fait
✔ People break out coats when the temperature drops below 70.
=> ne riez pas, c'est vrai !
✔ You discover, in July, it only takes two fingers to drive your car.
=> et que sur une certaine partie du volant qui est moins brûlante que le reste !
✔ The pool can be warmer than you are.
=> et soit la piscine est équipée d'un système de refroidissement soit on y jette des blocs de glace
✔ You can make sun tea instantly.
✔ People will drive over 100 miles just to see snow.
✘ You run your air conditioner in the middle of winter so you can use your fireplace.
=> peut-être dans quelques années ... On y avait pensé juste pour se faire une raclette ...
✔ Most people will not drink tap water unless they are under dire conditions.
✔ People with black cars or have black upholstery in their car are automatically assumed to be from out-of-state or nuts.
=> Sérieusement, je ne sais pas comment ils le supportent ...
✔ You notice the best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance.
=> oh que oui !!
✔ You realize Valley Fever isn't a disco dance.
✘ You can finish a Big Gulp in 10 minutes and go back for seconds.
=> un Big Gulp est un gobelet de 1,2L à 1,9L de soda vendu chez 7-Eleven. Nous carburons aux gourdes, glacière et bouteilles d'eau uniquement.
✔ The water from the cold water tap is the same temperature as the hot one.
=> j'étais obligée de faire refroidir l'eau du bain des enfants le soir car elle sortait brûlante du robinet ... et impossible de prendre une douche le soir !!
✔ You can (correctly) pronounce the words: "Saguaro" (suh-WA'R-o), "Tempe", Gila Bend", "San Xavier", "Canyon de Chelly," "Mogollon Rim," "Cholla," and "Ajo".
✔ It's noon in July, kids are on summer vacation, and not one person is moving on the streets.
✔ You actually burn your hand opening the car door.
=> ou le portail de l'école qui est en fer
✔ Sunscreen is sold year round, kept at the front of the checkout counter, a formula less than 30 SPF is a joke, and you wear it just to go to the Circle K.
✔ You put on fresh sunscreen just to go check the mail box.
✘ Some fools can market mini-misters for joggers and other fools will actually buy them. Worse ... some fools actually try to jog.
✔ You can fry an egg on the hood of a car in the morning.
✔ You see two trees fighting over a dog.
✔ Hot-air balloons can't go up, because the air outside is hotter than the air inside.
✔ No one would dream of putting vinyl upholstery in a car.
✘ You eat hot chilis to cool your mouth off.
✔ You learn that a seat belt makes a pretty good branding iron.
✔ The temperature drops below 95°F (35°C), you feel a bit chilly.
=> on ne pensait pas l'être, mais on est tropicalisé ...
✔ You discover that you can get a sunburn through your car window.
=> combien de fois ai-je regretté de ne pas avoir une combinaison anti-UV dans la voiture ...
✔ You break a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 a.m. before work.
=> voire même avant !!
✔ Your biggest bicycle wreck fear is, "What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and cook to death?"
=> pareil, en voiture, si on tombe en panne ...
✔ You realize that asphalt has a liquid state.
=> véridique !!!
✔ You take rain dances very seriously.
✔ When a rainy day puts you in a good mood.
=> même un ciel gris a ce pouvoir !! mais ça ne doit pas durer plus de 48h, après l'Arizonien râle comme un Parisien ...
✔ You can attend any function wearing shorts and a tank top.
✔ Petrified doesn't mean scared.
✔ You feed your chickens ice cubes to keep them from laying hard-boiled eggs.
✔ Everyone goes outside in the pouring rain.
✔ Dust storm ? Continue driving.
=> pour les énormes tempêtes de poussière, il est tout de même préférable de s'arrêter. Des accidents mortels existent.
✔ When you hear people say "But it's a dry heat".
✔ You can't leave a water bottle in your car for more than 5 minutes otherwise it will be too hot to drink".
=> ne jamais laisser une bouteille d'eau dans sa voiture à l'arrêt !!
✘ Kids ask "What's a mosquito ?"
=> ils existent encore mais il vrai que passé une certaine température, mouches, abeilles, moucherons, moustiques disparaissent de la circulation !!